Saturday Night H.S. Football
Buffalo 20, Brainerd 14 OT St. Cloud Tech 34, Moorhead 13 Duluth East 40, Grand Rapids 16 Holy Family Catholic 35, Mora 24 Albany 42, Milaca 16 Perham 28, Warroad 23 Thief River Falls 49, Pequot Lakes 6 Pierz 28, Morris 12 Verndale 48, Underwood 0 McGregor 57, Isle 42
Friday Night Volleyball Scores
AAA Section 7 Quarterfinal Grand Rapids Def Cambridge-Isanti 3-0 AA Section 6 First Round Albany Def Pierz 3-0 AA Section 7 Quarterfinal Cloquet Def Aitkin 3-0 AA Section 8 Quarterfinal East Grand Forks Def Roseau 3-1 Perham Def Detroit Lakes 3-1 Wadena-Deer Creek Def Staples-Motley 3-0 A Section 5 Quarterfinal Nevis Def Menahga 3-0 Onamia Def Cromwell 3-0 Sebeka Def Pine River-Backus 3-1 A Section 6 Second Round New York Mills Def Norman County West 3-1 A Second 8 East Quarterfinal Fosston Def Cass Lake-Bena 3-0
Stearns Bank Takes Over Failed Atlanta Bank
The State of Georgia has shut down a failed suburban Atlanta Bank. The Georgia Department of Banking and Finance closed the two branches of Alpha Bank and Trust in Alpharetta on Friday. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has transferred all accounts to Stearns Bank based in St. Cloud, Minnesota. It will be business as usual for most of the bank's customers because they are covered by FDIC insurance. But 59 of Alpha's Bank accounts whose assets total $3.1 million dollars exceed the federal limit of $250,000. It's the 16th FDIC-insured bank closure this year in the U.S. and the most recent in Georgia since August. The FDIC said the two Alpha locations will reopen on Monday as branches of Stearns Bank. The disposition of deposits exceeding the $250,000 limit was not immediately determined.
Man And Wife Arrested For Drugs
A husband and wife are being held in the Crow Wing County Jail after a search warrant was executed at a home on Browns Lane, in the Unorganized Township, just North of Baxter on Friday. 50-year old Lawrence Bret Tessness and his 47-year old wife, Sherry Lynn, were arrested by the Lakes Area Drug Investigative Division and charged with 5th degree Controlled Substance Crimes after a substantial Marijuana growing operation was located inside the house. The case has been forwarded to the Crow Wing County Attorney's Office for review and formal charges. Assisting the Drug Investigative Division were the Baxter Police Department and the Crow Wing County Sheriff's Office Tactical Response Team.
High Speed Internet Comes To Central Minnesota
A federally-backed loan will help improve phone and internet service in Cental Minnesota. Congressman Jim Oberstar announced that the US Rural Development Administration has approved a loan of $22.2 million dollars to the West Central Telephone Association. West Central Telephone will use the funds to connect new subscribers, lay 44 miles of new phone and fiber optic cables and purchase modern switching equipment that will improve the speed and efficiency of services to subscibers. The company serves homes and businesses in Becker, Otter Tail, Todd, Cass, Hubbard and Wadena Counties. According to Oberstar, broadband internet technology allows businesses in rural MInnesota to sell goods and services around the world. Projects like this one ensure that the information super-highway runs through rural America and not just big cities.
Outdoor Amendment Comes to Brainerd
If the Outdoor Amendment is not passed, Brainerd lakes may become polluted in the future, according to five organizations that want to see it succeed. The Coalition of outdoors and arts organizations told their story at Central Lakes College in Brainerd Thursday. Charlie Poster represents the coalition of outdoors and arts organizations. He says 40 percent of the Lakes, rivers and Streams in Minnesota are polluted, and the money raised from the amendment would go to fixing that. Those who don't vote will be considered a no vote.
The CLC Foundation Gets a New President
Richard Nolan of Crosby was elected president of the Central Lakes College Foundation Board of Directors at its annual meeting Oct. 22nd in Brainerd. The outgoing President, Dr. Jerry Poland of Crosby, passed the gavel to Nolan. Nolan is a graduate of Brainerd High School and the University of Minnesota. He was elected in 1968 as the state's youngest state legislator, served two terms in the Minnesota House, two years on the staff of Senator Walter Mondale, and three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is vice-chairman for the state DFL party. Also, Barbara Anderson of Brainerd was appointed to a three-year term on the board.
Thursday Night Volleyball
Girls Volleyball Sectional - Quarter Finals:
- Wadena-Deer Creek 3, Frazee 0.
- Barnum 3, McGregor 0.
- Cass Lake-Bena 3, Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig 0.
- Kimbal 3, Royalton 0.
- East Grand Forks 3, Park Rapids 1.
- Staples-Motley3, Pelican Rapids 1.
- Thief River Falls 3, Walker-Hackensack-Akeley 1.
- Cromwell 3, Isle 1.
- Menahga 3, Verndale 1.
- Pine River-Backus 3, Pillager 2.
Know The Location Of Your Polling Place
Deborah A. Erickson, County Auditor, reminds everyone that polling locations for the upcoming State General Election, November 4, may be different that School District Elections held in odd years. If you're unsure of your polling location, visit the Secretary of State's poll finder web site at Based on your address of residence, information as to poll location and what is included on your ballot will be provided. If you have questions, call the Auditor's Office at 218-824-1045. Ms. Erickson also informs those residents who are not registered to vote or have changed residences since the last election that October 14 was the last day to register in advance for the General Election. You may register to vote at your polling place on Election Day by proving your residence with a MN Driver's License or MN Photo ID Card with current address, Photo ID plus yellow receipt for MN Driver's License with current address, Student Photo ID with current fee statement showing current address, Tribal ID recognized by BIA with name, address, signature and picture, Prio Registration in precinct, Notice Of late Registration from the Crow Wing County Auditor, voucher or utility bill in addition to photo ID. These forms of identification are the ONLY ones authorized by Minnesota Law. For more information, call the Auditor's Office at 218-824-1045.

Former Governor Al Quie To Visit The Area
The Brainerd Kiwanis Club invites you to join them for a special visit from former Governor, Al Quie on Monday, October 27. Quie, who was Minnesota Governor from 1979 - 1983, is regarded as one of Minnesota's most admired Governors. He will be talking about his life and experiences as Governor of Minnesota. The event will be held at 12-Noon at the Red Roof Inn in Brainerd. A buffet lunch will be served for $8.50 per person. Please RSVP the Brainerd Kiwanis Club at
Vote Yes Committee Rolls into Brainerd
The Vote Yes Committee is coming to Brainerd in its campaign to pass the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. Several organizations supporting the arts and conservation will speak on the initiative's impact on the area and state. The event will be held at Central Lakes College Cafeteria at 3:45 p.m. today.
Candidates for State House 12B Talk Cost Saving Measures
State Representative Al Doty expects a one to two billion dollar revenue shortfall when the legislature convenes the new session after the first of the year. The District 12B DFL-er says the Governor vetoed a bill to increase the income tax on the richest Minnesotans last session, as one way to balance the budget, and he expects another effort again next session. Doty also feels the state can save a lot of money on administrative expenses that go to insurance companies for health care. And, he thinks a state run casino is a good idea. His Republican opponent, Mike LeMieur feels money can be saved by reducing some of the top heavy administrative department positions in state government. And, the Little Falls Councilman says the state should stick to the rate of inflation in its budgeting. LeMieur says he does not want to see a reduction in local government aid to cities and counties. Both candidates appeared on KLKS as part of the Meet the Candidates series.
Oberstar Wants to Create Road Building Jobs
Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar is scheduling a hearing on economic recovery, during the election recess in Washington. The Chairman of the powerful Transportation Committee says the economy is in trouble, the stock market is falling and unemployment is climbing. He says roads and bridges are one of the best places to invest public dollars, claiming every billion dollars spent generates 34,000 jobs. Oberstar has scheduled the hearing for October 29Th.
MPCA Fines Two Local Companies
Two local businesses received fines from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The Central Minnesota Ethanol Co-op in Little Falls was fined $3,750 for air quality violations. And, Forest Royale of Cass County was fined $3,150 for storm water violations. The fines were part of 39 enforcement cases totaling more than $850-thousand in penalties assessed by the MPCA during the third quarter of this year.
Nisswa Meet the Candidates Forum
The candidates for mayor and city council in Nisswa stated their views at a forum at the community center, Wednesday night. Four are running for two open council seats. There was little disagreement among candidates for council; Bob Draving, Harold Krause, Tina Foster, Gary Johnson and unopposed Mayor Brian Lehman. The small crowd in attendance wanted to know if the candidates supported the recently updated comprehensive plan. All candidates expressed appreciation for the plan, but indicated they would have to prioritize what they could afford, and what would have to wait, but indicated the sewer project was at the top of the list. The event was sponsored by the Nisswa Chamber of Commerce and the League of Women Voters.
Wednesday High School Scores
Girls Volleyball Sectional Play
- Bemidji 3, Brainerd 0.
- Cloquet 3, Pequot Lakes 0.
- Chishom 3, Northland 0.
- Nashwauk-Keewatin 3, Hill City 1.
Deerwood Man Dies in Van - Truck Accident
53-year-old Allan Edwards of Deerwood died when his van crossed the center line and collided with an on-coming semi trailer truck, 10 a.m. Tuesday morning. The State Patrol says the van drifted across the center line and into the path of the truck just east of the airport on Highway 210. The driver of the semi was not injured.
Car - Deer Collisions Increase
White tail deer are becoming more active in the Brainerd Lakes Area, according to Crosslake Conservation Officer Nikki Shouts. She tells KLKS News, she issued five car kill permits Tuesday alone. She says for those that hit deer and want to keep the meat, they must get a permit from any law enforcement offer. Shoutz says the rifle season opens November 8Th. Prior to the season, she suggests hunters sight-in their rifle at a controlled gun range.
Tuesday High School Football Sections
Football Sectional Play-offs:
- Brainerd 55, Elk River 7.
- Sauk Rapids/Rice 42, Little Falls 21.
- Foley 27, Staples/Motley 6.
- Proctor 53, Atkin 15.
- Two Harbors 46, Crosby/Ironton 35.
- Pequot Lakes 13, Park Rapids 7.
- Ottertail Central 41, Wadena/Deer Creek 6.
- Pierz 35, Long Prairie/Grey Eagle 14.
- Hawley 65, Pine River/Backus 0.
- Royalton 72, St. Agnes 34.
- Lake Park/Audubon 52, Cass Lake/Bena 0.
- Osakis 32, Pillager 6.
- Isle 56, Albrook 28.
- McGregor 27, Floodwood 12.
- Northland 38, Wrenshall 7.
- Waubun 69, LaPorte 6.
- Win-E-Mac 29, Nevis 7.
Ball and Trusty Debate for Crow Wing County Board of Commissioners
The impact of the projected Minnesota revenue shortfalls was a topic of the debate for Crow Wing County Commissioner District One, Tuesday night at the Brainerd High School. Candidate Frank Ball said if cuts in the county budget become necessary, because of a loss in local government aid, he would look at consolidating services, and ask for advice for further cuts from department heads. Phillip Trusty, said he too would consult with department heads when suggesting cuts. He suggested there won't be property tax cuts any time soon, and wants to see changes in unfunded state and federal mandates. The candidates forum was sponsored by the American Association of University Women and The League of Women Voters.
The Children's Defense Fund Comes to Brainerd
Three organizations, including the Children's Defense Fund of Minnesota will be in Brainerd tonight talking about economic challenges facing young families. Executive Director Jim Kopple tells KLKS News, they will be discussing ways to improve the Brainerd area economy as it affects good health care, child care and a good wage. The event will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the First Lutheran Church, 424 South 8th Street in Brainerd.
Mike Cummins Having Difficulty Getting His Message Out
Mike Cummins, Republican candidate for 8th District congress, says local newspapers are ignoring his campaign. The Brook Park businessman goes on to say, Washington is spending money like they have presses in the back room, that has to stop. Cummins does not consider himself to be a Republican, but rather conservative person who just happens to be Republican. He wants to make English the official language, and stop illegal immigration. Cummins appeared on KLKS as part of the Meet the Candidates series.
Franken Wants Building Projects to Stimulate the Economy
There is more discussion in Washington about a second stimulus package to kick-start the economy. DFL Senate Candidate Al Franken tells KLKS News, he would like to see that in the form of jobs and building projects. Franken says we've stopped investing in things that create prosperity. He says those things are education, infrastructure and research and development. Franken appeared on KLKS as part of the Meet the Candidates series.
Sheriff Dahl Predicts Tough Budgets
Crow Wing County Sheriff Todd Dahl is worried that state revenue shortfalls will mean future budget cuts in his department. Part of county revenues come from Local Government aid. He tells KLKS News, he is looking for revenues in unlikely places to fund local law enforcement. Sheriff Dahl says it would cost a lot less if they could predict crime, but unfortunately, they cannot. He says he was elected to provide a response, and somehow, he will do that.
DFL Holds Fall Dinner in Nisswa
Senate and congressional candidates will attend the annual Crow Wing - Cass County DFL dinner Saturday, October 25Th. In addition to local legislative candidates, Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar and U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken will be attending the event at the Nisswa American Legion. Former Congressman Rick Nolan will be the master of ceremonies. The event begins at 5 p.m.
Pequot-Breezy Candidates Forum Thursday
The Chamber of Commerce will host a Candidates Forum for city council candidates in Pequot Lakes and Breezy Point.The event will be held Thursday, October 23rd, at the Gathering Room in Pequot Lakes High School.There will be an opportunity to submit written questions. Breezy Point candidates will answer questions from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Pequot Lakes candidates will answer questions from 7:45-8:30 p.m. All candidates have been invited to attend. The moderator will be Chamber Executive Director Lisa Paxton.
Nisswa Meet the Candidates Forum
The Nisswa Chamber of Commerce hosts a "Meet the Candidates" forum for the city council Wednesday night October 22ND. Chamber Executive Director Susan Mezzenga, says the event will be held at the community center at 7 p.m.
Working Families Gain Attention in Brainerd
The First Lutheran Church of Brainerd will be the site of a forum discussing the economic challenges facing Minnesota families Tuesday night. Three organizations will offer their point of view during the "Working Families Initiative Form." They are The Children's Defense Fund, Child Care WORKS, and Jobs Now Coalition. Jim Carlson of Child Care WORKS, says too many working Minnesota parents are finding it increasingly difficult to access quality child care, afford health insurance and make ends meet while working full time. He says the recent economic down-turn is only making matters worse. The event will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The First Lutheran Church is located at 424 South 8Th Street, Brainerd.
Crow Wing County Republicans to Rally
The Crow Wing County Republicans for McCain/Palin have scheduled a rally Saturday, October 25th. The rally begins at 9:30 at Central Lakes College in room E208. Dorothy Fleming, Deputy Chair Minnesota State Republicans the featured guest. Also attending will be Minnesota Senator Carrie Ruud and David Allan Pundt, candidate for House Seat from 12A.
Baxter Woman Dies Following Auto Accident.
An 85-year-old Baxter woman, injured in a auto accident last Monday, died Sunday at St. Cloud Hospital. Grace Look was injured after her car struck a vehicle driven by a 24-year-old Baxter man on Highway 210 in south Baxter October 13th.
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