Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity Fund-Raiser Slated for Breezy Point
Coming up on Thursday, October 23rd, The Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity will have a fund-raiser. It's their "11th Annual Dinner and Auction" at the Breezy Point Resort. LAHFH Executive Director, Kevin Pelke, told KLKS' News that, with their silent and live auctions and a nice dinner, it turns out to be a fun night--and a fabulous way to support a local charity. Advanced reservations are required--and the earlier the better, according to Kevin, who said they sold out last year. Tickets are $60.--$35. tax-deductible. For more information/reservations call 218-828-8517, or go on-line to
The Case Of The Missing Campaign Signs
The Morrison County Sheriff is asking for the public's assistance in locating the person or persons responsible for the theft of numerous campaign signs in Upsala, Bowlus and the Elmdale area. According to Wetzel, a large number of campain signs were stolen sometime during last weekend. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Morrison County Sheriff's Office.
Friday Night H.S. Football Scores
Barnum 43, Onamia 0 Bemidji 37, Sartell 24 Bertha-Hewitt 54, Ashby 14 Blackduck 14, Bagley 0 Browerville 36, New York Mills 12 Cromwell 47, McGregor 27 Crookston 45, Wadena-Deer Creek 12 Crosby-Ironton 34, Braham 28 Detroit Lakes 23, Fargo Shanley, ND 16 Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton 7, Staples-Motley 0 Fergus Falls 42, Little Falls 24 Frazee 12, Walker-Hackensack-Akeley 10 Hill City 52, Northome/Kelliher 18 Grand Rapids 27, East Grand Forks 7 Isle 36, Floodwood 20 Lake Of The Woods 28, Pine River-Backus 18 Nevis 58, Laport 0 New London-Spicer 46, Milaca 25 Ottertail Central 43, Pillager 14 Pequot Lakes 28, Park Rapids 21 Perham 28, Roseau 14 Pierz 35, Maple Lake 16 Pine City 34, Aitkin 15 St. Cloud Cathedral 28, Mora 21 Verndale 46, Eagle Valley 22
Locally Grown Food Fest Happening in Nisswa
Coming up on Tuesday, October 7th, the Lutheran Church of the Cross in Nisswa will be hosting "Eat Local--a Minnesota Food Fest" starting at 6 pm. Event Organizer, Laura Radke, tells K-Lakes News the evening will include a meal made primarily from locally grown foods, environmental displays, and a presentation by wildlife ecologist, Jim Uhrinak. There is no charge for the evening--a free will offering will be taken. Child-care will be available. For more information, call 218-963-3877.
Click It or Ticket Comes to Todd County
Todd County Sheriff's Deputies will be looking for unbuckled drivers beginning October 10th. It is part of a 10 day, state-wide "Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement program. Special emphasis will be place on night-time and teen enforcement. Sheriff Pete Mikkelson says teenagers represent the group with the lowest percentage of seat belt use.
Brainerd Woman Hits Scratch Jackpot
A Brainerd woman scratched her way to $21 thousand. Debra Mohr won the money playing the Minnesota Lottery's Wild Cherry Crossword game. The lucky ticket was purchased at a Holiday store on Dellwood Drive in Baxter.
Safety First for the Duck Opener
The Minnesota waterfowl hunting season opens Saturday at 9 am as tens of thousands of duck and goose hunters will be heading to the state's chilly waters for the opener. Tim Smalley, the DNR's boating safety specialist, says hunters should be careful not to overload their boat, and to think about safety they head out. He says, "It's really important to wear a life jacket to and from the blind. The water's cooled off a lot since August and cold water shock can cause the sudden drowning syndrome to hunters who aren't wearing a life vest. There are new life vests out there now that allow a hunter to shoulder a gun without even having to taking it off." Smalley suggests hunters stay near shore, especially during bad weather.
Duluth, Minneapolis and Rochester Could Connect By Rail
Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar says Minnesota could be a big beneficiary of the Amtrak bill passed Thursday. He says there is up to $680 Million dollars a year for Minnesota to connect Duluth, Minneapolis and Rochester with high speed rail. The bill is on the way to President Bush for his signature. Oberstar is Chairman of the powerful House Transportation Committee, and the primary house sponsor of the bill.
Thursday Night H.S. Volley Ball Scores
Bertha-Hewitt def. Pillager 3-0 Deer River def. Crosby-Ironton 3-0 East Grand Forks def. Park Rapids 3-0 New York Mills def. Menahga 3-0 Wadena-Deer Creek def. Staples-Motley 3-0 Alexandria, 3 Brainerd 0 Browerville 3, Royalton 0 Deer River 3, Crosby Ironton 0 East Central 3, Aitkin 0 Floodwood 3, McGregor 0 Foley 3, Long Prairie-Grey Eagle 0 Sauk Rapids 3, Little Falls 0 Sebeka 3, Henning 0 Wadena-Deer Creek 3, Staples-Motley 0 Clearbrook-Gonvick 3, Cass Lake-Bena 1 Pierz 3, Maple Lake 0
Milaca Student Victim Of Zero Tolerance Policy
A Milaca High School Senior is on suspension after leaving his hunting bow in his SUV that was parked at the school. Keith Larson has missed a week and a half of school and can't return to class until Wednesday. Larson says he had been on a hunting trip a few days before the morning he drove to school with his bow and arrow set still sitting in the back of his SUV. He says he forgot it was there. Larson says he reported it to his teacher in his first class as soon as remembered he had the bow. Principal Troy Anderson said the school has a strict, zero-tolerance policy, and students know they can't bring weapons to school.
Crow Wing County Property Taxes Due Soon
Crow Wing Country Treasurer, Laureen Borden reminds county residents that the 2nd half of real estate taxes is due October 15. If mailed, timeliness is determined by the postmark. Payments may be made by mail or in person at the Treasurer's Office on the 2nd floor of the Historic Courthouse in Brainerd. Credit Card payments may be made at or call 800-272-9829.
Grassroots Concert Series Continues with Ruckers
Next up on the Grassroots Concert Series are Sparky and Rhonda Rucker of Maryville, TN. The Ruckers told KLKS News that their performance is a mixture of southern music including African-American and Appalachian blended with Sparky's own orginal compositions. The Ruckers say they're enjoying the northern part of the country on their tour, especially at this harvest-time of year. Sparky and Rhonda are looking forward to being in Nisswa this Friday night, October 3rd, at the Nisswa Community Center. General Admission is $15.. Doors open at 6:30 pm, with the performance starting at 7:30 pm. For more information, go to
Klobuchar Support Rescue Plan
Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar joined Fellow Senator Norm Coleman in voting for the $700-Billion rescue plan. She told KLKS News, she didn't want to do this, and know that people are mad that Wall Street has been behaving like a casino. However, she says we need to avert an economic crisis which is beginning to have an affect on main street business, and senior citizens retirement plans. Klobuchar says there is language in their legislation that should be good for the Minnesota economy, including tax incentives for the development of renewable energy.
Wide Spread Frost in Brainerd Tonight
K-Lakes meteorologist Tony Schumacher is predicting a wide-spread frost around the Brainerd Lakes tonight. He says it would be nice to think that Indian Summer would follow. However, he says it's going to be cool for the balance of this week, warmer but unsettled next week.
Bemidji Lumber Company Temporarily Shuts Doors
Ainsworth Lumber Company is closing its plant in Bemidji for an indefinte period. About 150 people work at the plant which makes oriented strand board. Ainsworth says it will reevaluate the closure in late October. Brue Rose, Ainsworth's Vice President For Corporate Development, said on Wednesday that the drop in housing starts has effectively closed the market for oriented strand board. Chief Executive Robert Allen says they expect "these very difficult conditions" to continue, at least for the near term. Ainsworth's plant in cook was idled in January and company officials said last month that it would remain closed until at least Summer of 2009. The plant once employed 150 workers. Vancover, British Columbia-based Ainswroth announced in August it would permanently shutter its Grand Rapids Plant, which had been "temporarily" closed for nearly two years and once employed about 190 people.
(Copyright 2008 by the Associated Press. All Rights reserved.)
Excelsior Road Bridge Dedication, October 15
Baxter Mayor Darrel Olson invites local citizens to join staff, DNR and MnDot officials, bridge construction workers and elected officials to celebrate the opening and first crossing of the Excelsior Road Bridge of the Paul Bunyan State Trail on Wednesday, October 15 beginning at 1:00pm in Baxter. Visitors should park in the parking lot at Northland Arboretum and a historic photograph of the group will be taken and given to all participants. After the bridge walk and photography session, an informal program and refreshments will be held at the Arboretum. Mayor Olson and Congressman James Oberstar will be the day's keynote speakers. For more information, contact Brainerd Community Action at 218-829-5278.
Brainerd Senior Citizens Homecoming Dance
This may be Homecoming week in Brainerd, but more than just high schoolers will be celebrating. DeAnne Barry, Executive Director of the Lakes Area Senior Activity Center, says they will have a Homecoming dance for Senior Citizens Thursday night. She says music from the 40's, 50's and 60's will be featured. Barry says all seniors are welcome to attend the event at the activity center, at 8th and Kingwood in Brainerd. The dance will run from 7 pm to 10 pm. Barry urges those who cannot dance attend the event to listen to the music, socialize and have some snacks. She says a big screen TV will be set up in the lobby for those who wish to view the vice presidential debate.
Walleye Survey Shows Strong Populations
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has been "Electro-Fishing" area lakes. Owen Baird, Brainerd Area Fisheries Specialist, says that is a technique they use to stun fish for a minute to check walleye populations in area lakes. He says the fall survey looks good for the big walleye lakes: Whitefish, Gull, Pelican and North Long. Baird tells KLKS News, this class of fish will be pleasing anglers in three to four years. Last year at this time, we learned that walleye numbers were down in Mille Lacs, from the fall fish survey. Baird says that while they may have been down, there are still good fish numbers in the big lake.
September Weather Above Average
K-Lakes Meteorologist Tony Schumacher says September averaged about one to two degrees above normal, And, while precipitation varied across the area, Breezy Point received over four inches of rain. Tony says temperatures may be slightly above normal for October. He says rainfall may also be above normal for the first few weeks, which should limit the number of cold snaps we might expect.
Diamond Lake Open for Liberalized Fishing
Diamond Lake, south of Leech Lake in Cass County, will be opened to liberalized fishing through October 19th. The lake has been managed for rainbow trout since 1967. However, the lake has become over-run with undesirable fish that compete with the trout. As a result, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will kill all species prior to restocking. In May, the DNR plans to stock 7,000 rainbow trout yearlings, 9-11 inches long, to provide angling opportunity for the 2009 season. Annual stocking of 14,000 fall fingerling rainbow trout will begin in October 2009. Through October 19th, fish may be taken in any quantity. Fish may be taken by spear, gill net, or angling. The trout stamp requirement is being waived during the liberalized season. However, a regular fishing license is required. For more information, contact the Walker Area DNR Fisheries office at 218-681-1683.
Aitkin County Man Disappears
Authorities are looking for a 67-year-old Aitkin County man who has not been seen since early June. Leroy Keith Boyd had been living south of Aitkin, before his disappearance. The Sheriff's office believes foul play is involved. Boyd's 2005 Dodge pickup truck was located at a car dealership out of state. Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner says they have identified persons of interest in the case. However, they need help from the public. Anyone with information is asked to call: (888) 900-2138.
Tuesday High Schools Scores
Girls Volleyball
- Cass Lake-Bena 3, Indus 0.
- Greenway 3, Northland 0.
- Hinckley-Finlayson 3, Isle 0.
- Little Fork-Big Falls 3, Hill City 0.
- New York Mills 3, Verndale 0.
- Pequot Lakes 3, Crosby-Ironton 0.
- Wadena-Deer Creek 3, Bertha Hewitt 0.
- Walker-Hackensack-Akeley 3, Northome-Kelliher 0.
- Nevis 3, Laporte 1.
- Pine River-Backus 3, Pillager 1.
- Little Falls 3, Brainerd 2.
- Staples-Motley 3, Park Rapids 2.
Boys Scoccer:
Area Rotary Takes Credit Crisis in Stride
Central Lakes Rotarians, meeting today, did their best to make light of the latest tumult on in the financial markets, according to Steven Hansen, Pine River Investment Services. He tells KLKS News, they are not happy about recent events, but they have seen this sort of thing before, and say it is not the end of the world. Hansen says if the congress does not approve a package, only "Triple A" rated customers are going to get credit, making it difficult for main street merchants to buy inventory for their shelves.
More Motorists Expected for Fall Colors
Traffic will be picking up with fall colors around the Brainerd Lakes, according to Curt Mowers of the Brainerd Office of the State Patrol. He says rubber-neckers need to pull over to look at the foliage, rather than driving, and gazing and not paying attention behind the wheel. He tells KLKS News, accident numbers remain positive with 49 fewer fatalities this year compared to last.
Rosenmeier Talks Jobs
"Workforce Development" is the topic of the October Rosenmeier forum scheduled for noon, Thursday, Oct. 9 in Lecture Hall (E354) on the Brainerd campus of Central Lakes College. Guest presenters for the forum are three 1974 Brainerd High School graduates: Mary Gottsch, Kevin Thesing and Brian Herder. Gottsch is the Director of Bridges Workplace Collection at the Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Commerce. Thesing is the owner of Lakes Printing, which has 24 full-time employees. Herder is co-owner of Russell Herder Advertising. Thesing was Brainerd's "Citizen of the Year" in 1999. The forums are open to the public free of charge.
Garrison Bank Robber Nabbed
A 39-year-old Coon Rapids man has been arrested in connection with a Garrison bank robbery just over a year ago. James Richard Ardito is charged with aggravated robbery. He is being held at the Crow Wing County jail on $500-thousand bail. Sheriff Todd Dahl says the arrest of Ardito was the result of 12 months of diligent police work.
Oberstar Fears a Depression
Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar says he was surprised the Republican Leadership and White House were unable to muster only a third of their membership to vote for the $700-billion bail-out package. The DFL-er fears the credit that main street business needs for inventory will dry-up, resulting in employee layoffs. He says that could have a cascading effect that could result in a depression.
Monday Night H.S. Volleyball
Bemidji 3, Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton 0. Verndale 3, Swanville 0. Holdingford 3, Royalton 0. Hill City 3, Cotton 0. Sebeka 3, Staples-Motley 2.
Stolen Lawn Signs
There have been numerous reports of stolen political lawn signs in Crow Wing County during this election season. Crow Wing County Sheriff Todd Dahl says that is illegal, and those caught stealing will be prosecuted. He also says it is illegal to place signs in the ditches, or any other right-of-way. The Sheriff tells KLKS News, it creates a hazard for motorists. He suggests citizens who spots lawn signs in the right-of-way, ask the candidates to remove them. If unsuccessful, then to call local authorities.
State Senator Olson To Visit Canadian Health Care
State Senators Mary Olson of Bemidji, and Sharon Erickson Ropes of Winona, will spend five-days touring the Canadian health care system this week. The Trip will feature discussions with Ontario- and Manitoba-based health care experts and visits to facilities in Thunder Bay and Winnipeg. The Senators hope to learn what works well and what doesn't in Canada's health care system, and report their findings to the Minnesota legislature. The two lawmakers will conclude their tour with a round table discussion Friday, October 3, at North Country Regional Hospital in Bemidji. "The Canadian health care system is one of the most discussed, yet often misunderstood, alternatives to the way we deliver health care services in Minnesota," according to Olson.
HSO Looks for New Conductor
The Heartland Symphony Orchestra is searching for a new Musical Director-Conductor for next season. This season the HSO will be lead by Curt Tryggestad, Superintendent of the Little Falls Community Schools and by Michael Zellgert, Director of the Long Prairie Chamber Orchestra. Joseph Schlefke had been the conductor from 2002 to 2007. He is now conductor of three symphonies in the Twins Cities. The Heartland Symphony Orchestra is a 50-piece volunteer community orchestra serving the Brainerd and Little Falls areas. The HSO is currently opening its 32nd season of presenting six annual concerts, three each in Little Falls and Brainerd. The Fall concert often features one or more guest artists, the Winter concert has a Christmas theme often including local choirs, special ensembles or a guest artist, and the Spring concert features winners of the HSO Young Artist Competition. The new conductor will begin his duties with the 2009-2010 season.
Congressman Oberstar Will Support the Bail-Out
Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar says he will support the $700-Billion bail-out of the banking industry now that there have been modifications on the Bush administration proposal. He says to trust the Secretary of the Treasury with all that money and no oversight would have been unconstitutional. The 8th District DFL-er says we are in the midst of a real crisis. And, failure to act could have resulted in the bottom falling out of the economy.
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