Cass Lake Man Charged With Attempted Murder
A 26-year-old Cass Lake man has been arraigned on a charge of 1st degree attempted murder. The Cass County Sheriff's office alleged that Eric Lee Budreau pulled a gun on another man following an argument, Thursday morning..
Officers responded to shots fired on Waboose Drive in Cass Lake at 2 a.m. When they arrived, they ordered both men to the ground. Budreau fled on foot, claiming he was armed. They also observed him throwing something. Budreau was taken into custody, and a 9-millimeter handgun was located with one round in the chamber.
The victim claims Budreau pulled a gun on him during the argument. He claims two shots were fired at him, but missed. He claimed the gun was put to his head, but misfired. Two scuff marks were found on the pavement consistent with gunshot damage.
Budreau is being held on $1 million bail.
Tour of Lakes this Weekend
The roads around Crosby will see a lot of two-wheeled traffic Saturday. The Tour of Lakes Bicycle Ride, hosted by the Paul Bunyan Cylists, will see its 21st edition.
Tour Director Sharon Bode tells KLKS News, nearly 12 hundred riders will be peddling routes of 35 or 70 miles. She says the event begins at Crosby High School. She says the streets around town will be congested between 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Bode says the cyclists will be on Highways 6 and 18 and county roads 23, 30, 32 and 159.
The event should be concluded by 3 p.m.
Cherry Car Show Saturday
The Trailside Park in Pequot Lakes will be teaming with American automotive history, Saturday. The third annual Cherry Car Show will feature more than 100 vintage vehicles, according to Cathy Malecha of the Pequot Lakes-Breezy Point Lions Club.
Malecha says car owners will register their cars beginning at 7 a.m. There is a $10 registration fee. The show will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is free to spectators.
Brainerd Komen Merges
Susan G. Komen for the Cure is merging with its Brainerd Lakes Affiliate, combining into one organization and creating a single affiliate that covers the entire state of Minnesota.
The merger allows for greater administrative efficiencies and fund-raising synergies in the region.
Funds raised by the Brainerd Lakes Affiliate in 2009 will continue to be distributed this year to local grantees in the three-county service area, which includes Cass, Crow Wing and Aitkin counties.
Additionally, the 11th Annual Susan G. Komen Brainerd Lakes Race for the Cure will go on as planned. It's scheduled for June 26 at Forestview Middle School in Baxter. Last year's event attracted 2,400 participants.
Command Change at Camp Ripley
Camp Ripley will host its Change of Command Ceremony for its Post Commander on Saturday, at 1:00pm. The Ceremony will be held at the Post Headquarters Building on the front lawn.
Col. Richard Weaver will pass command of the installation and the Training Support Unit to Lt. Col. Scott St. Sauver.
Ride With a Congressman Sunday
The annual "Ride with Jim Oberstar" is Sunday. The ride begins at 9 a.m. from the parking lot at the Northland Arboredum in Baxter, and will cruise through Baxter. The Ride is open to everyone. There is no charge.
Paul Bunyan Trail Coordinator Terry McGaughey says they continue to make progress on completing the trail. He tells KLKS News, they are currently working on the trail south of Brainerd.
McGaughey says once the trail is complete, bikers, hikers and roller bladers will be able to travel from the Crow Wing State Park to the Bemidji State Park.
WOPOA Meeting Saturday
Whitefish Area Property Owners Association President Judy Wallschlaeger tells KLKS News, so far they have been able to keep invasives like zebra mussels out of the Whitefish Chain.
Wallschlaeger says they have a team of volunteers that spend two to four hours at the public access sites educating boaters on the need to clean their boats and trailers before they enter the lake.
WOPOA members will be learning about estates and trusts in cabin succession during the annual meeting Saturday.
The annual meeting will be held at the Ideal Town Hall beginning with breakfast at 8 a.m. tomorrow. The business session begins at 8:30.
Free Fishing
Free fishing is allowed in Minnesotata state parks with one exception, according to DNR Mentoring Coordinator Mike Kurre. He says there is no charge, unless fishing for trout.
Kurre says there is no need for a fishing license. He says there is a free fishing program at Kathio State Park on Mille Lacs Lake Fridays from 3-5 p.m. Rods and reels are provided.
The weekend of June 11-13 is "Take a Kid Fishing Weekend" in which adults can take kids fishing without the need of a fishing license.
Hwy 10 Delays
Effective immediately, traffic crossing the Highway 10 overflow bridge north of Little Falls will encounter intermittent single lane closures over the bridge for the next few days to allow crews to inspect the existing westbound lanes of the bridge.
Traffic will be directed by flaggers.
Motorists should expect delays and congestion at the bridge and are advised to take an alternate route, if possible.
Prokott Missing
The Cass County Sheriff's office is looking for a missing 55-year-old man.
Duane Paul Prokott was last seen May 24th in Pine River. He is discribed as a white male, 180 pounds, wears a beard and glasses.
If you have spotted Prokott please call the Cass County Sheriff, (218) 547-1424; Morrison County Sheriff, (320) 632-9233 or Pine River Police, (218) 587-3333.
Swanville Man Appointed to Animal Board
Governor Tim Pawlenty is appointing Paul Hanowski to the Board of Animal Health.
Hanowski, of Swanville, co-owns and operates four family farms in Morrison County that produce 800,000 turkeys annually. Previously, he worked for Gesell Turkey Farms in Swanville where his duties included developing and maintaining animal health programs, human resources, financial analysis, and scheduling the production of two million turkeys. He is a former member of the board of directors and past president of the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association; helped organize, establish, and co-chair the Avian Pneumovirus Task Force; and was a member of the Turkey Research Committee.
The Board of Animal Health oversees numerous voluntary and mandatory programs that focus on controlling and eradicating animal diseases in Minnesota. The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor.
Recession vs. Resorts
The recession has been especially tough on small Minnesota resorts trying to stay independent. Mark Ronnei is general manager of Grandview Lodge on Gull Lake. He says there were about 1-thousand resorts a few years ago, but he expects half as many in the next 10 years. Ronnei says the resorts that have survived have modernized or merged into larger developments. That leaves fewer of the mom-and-pop resorts that used to be the backbone of summer tourism.
Janet Christiansen is a co-owner of the three-cabin Idlewild Resort on Lake Marquette, just south of Bemidji. She says they're not making much money but she doesn't want to sell. She says her payoff is she gets to live and play on the lake.
Klobuchar Salutes Veterans
Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar says this Memorial Day is a good time to remember Minnesotans who fought and died for the country.
Klobuchar says Minnesota was one of the first to send troops to fight in the civil war, just three years after Minnesota became a state. The First Minnesota Regiment was sent in as a counter attack at Gettysberg. Of the 262, 215 were either killed or wounded. The First Minnesota became the Minnesota National Guard.
Area Memorial Day Services
Memorial Day ceremonies in Brainerd begin at 8:30 a.m. this morning on the Laurel Street bridge, when a wreath will be tossed into the Mississippi River.
Following the event there will be a march to the All Veterans Memorial on the grounds of the Crow Wing County Courthouse.
Backus services are scheduled for 10 a.m. this morning at Evergreen Cemetery and the Ponto Lake services will be held at 11 a.m..
The Lakewood Cemetery in Crosby is the site of Memorial Day services at 10:30 a.m.
The Crosslake/Fifty Lakes American Legion Post 500, will stage their event at 10 a.m. at the Crosslake Pinewood Cemetery on County Road 36 east of County Road 3.
Deerwood services will begin at 8 a.m. on the water at the Deerwood boat landing on Serpent Lake. The service will continue at 8:30 a.m. at the Deerwood Scandia Cemetery.
Emily Memorial Day service will be 9 a.m. at the Pine Ridge Cemetery in Emily.
Hackensack services will be held at 9 a.m. at the Legion with honors at 9:30 a.m. at the city park. There will be a Cass County Killed in Action Memorial parade to Boy River to honor the Navy veterans.
The Longville program will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Longville Elementary School. Following the event there will be a march to Riverside Cemetery
Nisswa will hold it's Memorial Day service will be noon at the Nisswa American Legion. Guest speakers will include state Rep. John Ward, state Sen. Paul Koering, former state Sen. Don Samuelson and Nisswa Mayor Brian Lehman. Jim Starkey of Post No. 627 will be the master of ceremonies.
The Pequot Lakes American Legion and Jenkins VFW and their Auxiliaries will hold memorial services at 10 a.m. at the Pequot Lakes High School auditorium. The program will feature an address by Sgt. Andrew Gravdahl of Pequot Lakes. The Legion and VFW Color Guards will perform the ceremonials.
After that, the color guards will march to the Pequot Lakes Cemetery to and then proceed down Sibley Avenue to Sibley Park. A wreath will be placed in Lake Sibley, honoring departed Navy veterans. The Boy and Girl Scouts will be marching.
Pillager Memorial Day services will be 10 a.m. Monday at the Pillager School. Following the service there will be a short ceremony at Wildwood and Gull River cemeteries.
The Pine River American Legion will host a Memorial Day services at 9:30 a.m. at the Pine River Dam. The ceremony will include a reading by Keith Gardner, a presentation of flowers by the auxiliary and a color guard rifle salute.

Brainerd Memorial Day Services
A Memorial Day ceremony will begin at 8:30 a.m. today at the Laurel Street bridge in Brainerd. A wreath will be tossed into the Mississippi River.
The event will be followed by a march to the All Veterans Memorial on the grounds of the Crow Wing County Courthouse.
Memorial Day Services in Pequot
The Pequot Lakes American Legion Ben Krueger Post #49, the Jenkins VFW Norther Post #3839 and their auxiliaries will jointly sponsor the annual Memorial Day program at 10 a.m. today at the Pequot Lakes High School.
The program will feature an address by Sgt. Andrew Gravdahl of Pequot Lakes, who served in Iraq for 16 months in 2006-07 with the 1st Brigade Combat Team and is currently with the premobilization training team.
The Legion and VFW Color Guards will perform the ceremonials. The entire community is invited to attend.
After the ceremonies at the auditorium, the Color Guards will march to the Pequot Lakes Cemetery to present honors and then proceed down Sibley Avenue to Sibley Park. A wreath will be placed in Lake Sibley honoring departed Navy veterans. The Boy and Girl Scouts will march along and the audience is invited to follow.
A light lunch will be served at the Pequot American Legion Post at the close of these ceremonies. The public is also invited for the lunch.
Nisswa Memorial Day Ceremony
The Nisswa Amercan Legion will be the scene of the the Nisswa Memorial Day Remembrance Event at noon today. The citizens of Nisswa will come together in a commemoration ceremony to honor a special class of heroes.
It is a day for reflection in honor of all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who made the ultimate sacrifice throughout the nation's history.
Everyone in the Nisswa area is invited to join together in the ceremony.
Guest speakers will include State Representative John Ward, State Senator Paul Koering, Former State Senator Don Samuelson, and Nisswa Mayor Brian Lehman.
Jim Starkey of Post 627 will be the master of ceremonies.
The ceremony will begin by recognizing all families with members of their family currently serving in the military.
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