Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hecker Pleads 5th

(AP) Denny Hecker, bankrupt auto magnate, has pleaded the 5th Amendment and is refusing to answer questions from a lender who's accusing him of fraud. A criminal investigation is under-way over the collapse of Hecker's auto-dealership empire in Minnesota. Hecker invoked his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination in court papers that were filed on Thursday.

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Pawlenty Prepares Appeal

(AP) An appeal is planned by Governor Pawlenty of the court loss that cast doubt on the $2.7 billion in cuts that he made to the State budget. Pawlenty is looking to overturn the ruling that he took Executive Authority tood far. Wednesday, a Judge ordered the Governor to reinstate a food program for the poor in a decision that was seen as a broa3der indictment of Pawlenty's budget actions. Pawlenty did not rule out making further unilateral cuts--known as Unallotments. He's said he will be asking lawmakers to agree on a plan to formalize $1.7 billion in school aid deferrals.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fish Shelter Identification Required

Minnesota conservation officers want to remind ice anglers and others that all shelters placed on the ice of Minnesota waters must have either the 1). complete name and address, 2). driver's license number, or 3). The nine-digit DNR number on the license of the owner plainly and legibly displayed on the outside in letters, and figures at least 2 inches in height. This includes ice skating warming houses and other traditional structures placed on the ice, either temporarily or overnight.

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Mining Rights being Auctioned

(AP) Leases for metallic minerals exploration and mining rights are being auctioned off by the State of Minnesota. Areas being offered in the auction include portions of Aitkin, Benton, Carlton, Itasca, Morrison, Pine, and St. Louis counties. The auction is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12th in St. Paul. It will be held at the Department of Natural Resources Headquarters. Bids are due by the evening of the 11th at the DNR's Lands and Minerals Division Office.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Denny Hecker Seeks Help From The Court

(AP) Bankrupt auto magnate Denny Hecker wants a U.S. Federal judge to help in recovering a disk containing thousands of e-mails he says are covered by attorney-client privilege. The Star Tribune reports that one of Hecker's creditors, Chrysler Financial Services, got the files through a subpoena of Hecker's former executive assistant.

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Salvation Army Has A Good Report

The Brainerd Lakes Area Salvation Army reports surpassing their Christmas kettle fund-raising goal of $103,000. According to Major Jeff Strickler, Corps Officer for the Brainerd Lakes Salvation Army, When the kettles ended, their total kettle income stood at $107,235.97 exceeding our goal by $4,235.97. This was no small feat. They thank God, their many volunteer bell ringers and all of the donors who helped make this possible. Their bell ringing volunteer hours totaled 1,597 hours-- up by 400 hours compared to last year. According to Strickler this made a big difference in making this years’ kettle goal.

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Michigan Works on Capturing Its Share

(AP) The State of Michigan recently posted a framework on a website that it will use when applyig for a share of the $475 million Federal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Michigan is establishing its priorities for seeking Federal funding available to help clean up the Great Lakes.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

"Toys For Kids" Show Good Reports

The Heartland Detachment of the Marine Corps League Toys For Kids reports that there were 435 families, including 915 kids that received toys for christmas in the Brainerd Lakes area. The generosity of the people, businesses and organizations in our local communities has sustained the Toys For Kids program every year since 1981.
This year, more than 45 businesses and organizations served as donation drop points while others, along with hundreds of individuals made cash donations including donations ar over 40 businesses where coin containerd were placed. For more information on the 2010 Toys For Kids program visit later in the year.

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Dahl Talks About Predatory Offender Notification Meeting

Crow Wing County Sheriff, Todd Dahl, told K-Lakes' News that there is no legal way to restrict where a released offender chooses to live. Dahl was referring to a Community Notificaton Meeting slated for this Wednesday, the 30th, regarding the December 31st scheduled release of Chrisopher Wheeler, age 36. Wheeler, a Level 3 Predatory Offender, will be living in a residence located in rural Roosevelt Township. The meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at the Roosevelt Town Hall, located on County Road 2 in Brainerd. The public is invited to attend.

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Iron Ore Pellet Manufacturing Down Significantly

(AP) According to Bob Wagstrom, an Engineering Specialist with the Minnesota Department of Revenue, Minnesota's taconite mines have mirrored the economic down-turn that's been hitting the national steel industry. Wagstrom predicts that the year will end with 17 million tons of iron ore pellets produced--that's down significantly from the 39 million tons produced in 2008.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Out-of-State Visitors to Pay New ATV Fee

(AP) Non-residents will start paying a new fee next week to operate their ATV's in Minnesota. The law, moving into effect on the 1st of the year, states that the non-resident pass will cost $20 for a year, with a possible $1 issuing fee. That pass will be needed to operate ATV's on State trails.

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