The Governor Plans an Early Fish
Time will tell if the fish will cooperate when the walleye and northern season begins Saturday morning. But, population numbers are good, according to DNR Fish and Wildlife Outreach Chief C.B. Bylander.
Bylander says 1.5 million licenses will be issued this year. The economic impact will be $2.8 billion a year, which he says makes a huge difference in rural areas.
Bylander says this weekend's fishing prospects could be difficult, because water temperatures are cold from the late ice-out and cool spring.
Bylander is accompanying Mark Dayton for the annual Governor's Opener in Grand Rapids. He says the Governor is planning on taking to the water at 12:01 a.m.
Walleye Dan Says Prepare for Windy Conditions
Some challenging weather conditions may be facing anglers for the opening of the walleye season just after midnight Saturday morning. Northeast winds up to 25 miles per hour are forecast for later in the day.
Dan Eigen, a Brainerd area fishing guide, says those conditions would be tough.
Eigen says if that is the case, fishing close to shore by the inlets might be the best bet. But, he says a lot of other anglers might also have the same thought.
Also known as Walleye Dan, Eigen says a slow presentation with a minnow in the shallows might prove successful.
Expect Fishing Traffic Delays
State Patrol Sergent Curt Mowers is urging patience this weekend during the walleye fishing opener. He tells KLKS News, roads like 169 past Mille Lacs Lake can prove challenging. He says it is difficult to pull into traffic when it's bumper-to-bumper.
Sergent Mowers is also recommending motorists check the boat trailer make sure its fit to make the trip. He says if there is trouble with the trailer, be sure to pull it all the way off the road so that it does not become a traffic hazard.
Franken Appears At Edgewood Vista Saturday
Minnesota Senator Al Franken will be in Brainerd on Saturday to hear about the unique challenges facing area seniors.
The meeting will be held at Edgewood Vista at 4 p.m.
The Minnesota DFL-er says with millions of baby boomers beginning to retire this year, future challenges will include getting needed health care services and adequate nutrition, as well as removing the barriers to staying in their own homes.
Franken will meet with dozens of area seniors, as well as several Central Minnesota senior advocates and volunteers who provide meals, companionship and transportation services to seniors across the region.
Sen. Franken, a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, said the committee is working to reauthorize the Older Americans Act, which funds many of the local services used by seniors.
Last year, Sen. Franken’s office conducted a series of meetings in 17 communities across the state to get input on the effectiveness of the OAA and to discuss possible changes.

Burning Restriction to be Lifted Next Week
Despite the wet conditions around the Brainerd Lakes Area, open burning restrictions remain in place.
Minnesota Fire Center Information Officer Jean Goad says a warm, windy and sunny day can quickly change the fire threat.
Goad tells KLKS News, with the green-up finally underway, the fire restriction should be lifted in a week.
Fire restrictions have already been lifted from Todd, Morrison and Mille Lacs counties on south.
Camp fires are still permitted, but only in a three foot wide burning pit.
A Fast Pass for the Military Boarding Planes
Congressman Chip Cravaack says military personnel should not be viewed as potential terrorists in our airports, and should sped through the airport screening process.
The Risk-Based Security Screening would direct the Transportation Security Administration to establish an expedited security screening process for members of the United States Armed Forces and their families who are traveling on official orders.
The 8th District Congressman says American service members are currently battling against terrorism across the globe, so they and their families comprise a low-risk group that is ideally suited for an accelerated security screening process.
MnDOT Warns Against Planting in Rights of Way
BAXTER, Minn.-The Minnesota Department of Transportation reminds farmers that planting crops within rights of way is illegal because as crops grow higher and fuller they can block motorists' vision and create other safety problems.
State law also prohibits plowing and tilling in rights of way including driving lanes, shoulders, ditches and sight corners at intersections.
The department also advises that mowing and haying on rights of way may require a permit.
Fatal Accident Claims Bena Youth
A wild ride got way out of control in Beltrami County over the weekend.
Sheriff's deputies arrested a 21-year-old driver on suspicion of drunken driving. After the driver was removed from the vehicle, a 16-year-old Morris Beaulieu slid behind the wheel and led police on a chase that reached speeds of 100 miles per hour.
The chase ended when the vehicle rolled into a ditch and struck some trees.
Beaulieu was flown to a Fargo hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Bena Man Held On Attempted Murder Charges
Thomas Wayne Mathews, age 26, is being held in Cass County Jail, with bail set at nearly $300-thousand dollars on attempted 2nd Degree Intentional Murder Charges and 1st Degree Assault Charges, stemming from an incident on May 8, when he allegedly stabbed a 26 year old man in the chest at the victim's home. The victim, who was not identified by Cass County authorities, but was taken to St. Mary's Medical Center by Life Flight for emergency treatment. Each count against Mathews carries a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $30-thousand dollar fine.
Ward Doesn't Like Redistricting Plan
Redistricting the state's legislative boundaries is always a contentious time. This year is no different.
The Republican controlled house has drawn lines that has raised the ire of DFL-ers.
DFL State Representative John Ward of Brainerd tells KLKS News, the Republicans are proposing to take away some of his stronger DFL precincts. He says the Governor wanted a bipartisan approach to redistricting, but he says it has been anything but that.
There will likely be broad differences between the Governor's plan and those of the legislature requiring court intervention.
CLC Hosts Health Conf
The Staples campus of Central Lakes College will host “On the Road to a Healthier You,” the 30th Conference on Aging, Wednesday, June 1 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sixteen workshop topics range from “Why So Much Medical Research is Wrong” to “How to Be in the Driver’s Seat When It Comes to Your Health Care.”
Participants may choose three workshops to attend.
Registration is from 8 to 8:45, with workshops from 9-9:45, 10-10:45, and 11-11:45 a.m. Two 15-minute periods are scheduled for exhibits/activity. Lunch, entertainment, and door prizes conclude the event at 11:45, with exhibits remaining in place until 2 p.m.
Registration fee is $6 before May 23, $8 at the door, payable to Central Lakes College, Business and Industry Center, 501 W. College Drive, Brainerd, Minn. 56401. For more information call (800) 933-0346 ext. 8142.
Howes and Dayton Differ on Bonding
State Representative Larry Howes of Walker and Governor Mark Dayton differ on state bonding during this legislative session.
The Governor wants a $1 billion package to spur job growth by funding projects like civic centers, minor league ball parks and college labs.
Republicans said they prefer to borrow only for flood related projects this year.
A bill from Representative Howes would pay a share of local projects in up to 19 communities to prevent damage to homes, infrastructure and crops.
Lake Shore Man Dies While Install Dock
The Brainerd Lakes Area has suffered it's first water death of the spring.
A 60-year-old Lakeshore man was found in the water late last week. The Cass County Sheriff's office says an angler spotted the man and brought him to shore. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
The man was apparently putting a dock in at the time of the incident.
Cravaack Benefits from GOP Plan
The freshman 8th District Congressman would get a reelection boost from a GOP redistricting plan out of the state legislature.
Chip Cravaack would lose most of his DFL-leaning turf, and gain some Republican friendly territory under the plan. The northern one-third of the state would be rolled into a single district with veteran DFL-er Collin Peterson as the incumbent.
Cravaack released a statement that said, "I want to assure the citizens, families and businesses of the 8th District that I remain committed to fighting for them in our nation’s capital."
The Republican plan appears headed for the courts. DFL Governor Mark Dayton has said he will only sign a redistricting plan with broad bipartisan support. The GOP proposal does not have that.
Clark Will Challenge Cravaack
It looks like Chip Cravaack has his first opponent for reelection in Minnesota's 8th District.
Tarryl Clark, who lost to 6th District Representative Michele Bachmann in the last election, says she will buy a condo in Duluth. The 6th District election proved to be the most expensive congressional campaign in the country.
Clark. a DFL-er says she and her husband will maintain a home in St. Cloud, because that is where her husband works.
Cravaack, a Republican, is in his first term after defeating 18 term incumbent Jim Oberstar in November.
Groundbreaking for a New WDC School
This year's graduating seniors at Wadena-Deer Creek High School were given bricks from the old high school during a ground breaking ceremony for a new school Friday.
The old school, which wasn't very old, was destroyed by a tornado June 17th last year.
Students, politicians and residents gathered for the first shovel full of earth to mark the beginning of the construction for the new $38 million facility. The new school is said to be set for students for the fall of 2012.
The school district serves students from Bluffton, Deer Creek and Wadena.
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